Zero Punctuation Review: Halo 3
Zero Punctuation’s Yahtzee has gotten his hands on Halo 3, and what follows is nothing short of glorious. While many Xbox fanboys will take a step back and possibly shit themselves when they see this video, those of us who have taken a minute to step back, and objectively look at the game can agree on at least one of the things he points out in this video.
In my case, I’ve gotta agree that the bloom effects are freaking over-the-top. To be kind.
The Escapist, Zero Punctuation, Microsoft, Xbox 360, Halo 3, Bungie, Designtopia, Yahtzee, review
October 3rd, 2007 at 5:04 pm
The guy didn’t even play co-op, or multiplayer. This makes his exaggerated opinion even more ridiculous. It’s like trying to review counterstrike based solely on its menu system. Funny (I guess), but pathetic at the same time.