Why David Hayter Should Write the Metal Gear Film
Word on the street is that over on the IMDB message boards David Hayter, a.k.a. the voice of the American Solid Snake in every single version of Metal Gear Solid, posted a note that fans should start a petition to let him write a screenplay for a Metal Gear Solid movie.
You may laugh and think that this is some ranting by a loser voice actor with nothing better to do because he’s only riding on the success of one game franchise, but this is not so my friends! David Hayter has real credentials when it comes to writing movies… kick ass movies. You see Mr. Hayter has writing credits for two of the best comic book movies of all time, both X-Men and (the much superior) X-Men 2. He’s even wrote the script for the upcoming Watchmen film, which I’m told by my future self is ball explodingly awesome. Sure he did write the Scorpian King, but everyone has to have one lame project to keep them humble.
Hayter is the perfect choice for writing the Metal Gear Solid movie because he’s both intimately involved with the franchise (read: he’s invested in it’s continued success) and his primary and best screen writing work is adaptations of awesome things. If that doesn’t convince you that David Hayter should write the Metal Gear solid movie, then how about this? He speaks fluent Japanese. Ninjas speak fluent Japanese. You put the two together.
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