Things that Suck: Really Good Players
You know what sucks? People who are way better than me on online games. I mean, what’s their deal? Do they play more than me? Or do they just have better hand eye coordination? Seriously, people who are really good at a game when I’m not sucks.
Sometimes when I play Call of Duty 4 I’m really rocking. I’m kicking ass left and right and then the next thing you know I get in on a match against a team full of really good players. I’m all like, WTF!?How did he F*CKING DO THAT!? SERIOUSLY! Why aren’t my bullets hitting him? It’s like my gun has no effect on this guy. Maybe I’m lagging or something. GOD DAMN IT! It’s like his shotgun is ten times more powerful than mine. I TOTTALLLY STABBED HIM FIRST! He’s probably cheating or he plays this thing all the time. I CAN’T PLAY ALL THE TIME I HAVE A WIFE THAT HAS A VAGINA!
I usually have to throw my controller down and punch a homeless guy in the face just to make myself feel like a man again.
Really good players suck.
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