Space Channel 5 Coming to the Wii?
No doubt legions of Space Channel 5 fans (namely my fiancee) will be interested to know that German magazine N-Zone reported that a sequel to Space Channel 5 may be headed toward the Nintendo Wii.
N-Zone has even stated that Sega has licensed some Michael Jackson songs for the game. I understand that he had a part in the previous iteration of the series, but if this is true Sega should really think about teaming up with a more relevant and less child molesting artist. How about R. Kelly? No, wait…
If this rumor proves to be true, then the Wii is probably the best choice of system for Space Channel 5 considering the nature of the game. Hopefully Sega would be able to use the Wiimote to it’s utmost advantage (i.e. as a laser during times when you need to shoot and as a part of the actual dancing).
I’m not a huge fan of the series, but it’s high time it should come back as it would give hot girls another reason to dress up like Ulala.
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