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Sonic in Super Smash Bros Brawl - Probably Not This Year Though

by PacoDG

The Smash Bros Dojo gets some pretty frequent updates, giving a new character or item here and there just about every week. Of course some are more important than others, such as Solid Snake announcement in the game is news worthy, where as the Super Mario Bros character Lakitu may not be hitting the front page of every site on earth (unless it is from Press the, then it is okay). However their announcement today is definitely news worthy, it is big, way bigger than Sonic vs Mario in an Olympic game, this is Sonic vs Mario in the way we have all wanted to see them since the Genesis vs SNES days, kicking each others asses.

With this great news comes some bad news, the game is being pushed back in Japan until January 24th. What this means for American gamers is unknown as of this second, but I would go at this with a pessimistic view, as I can’t see American gamers getting a hold of this title well over a month before Japan, just not going to happen. Let us all just focus though on the good news, the many many many rumors of Sonic is or isn’t in the game can finally come to an end and we can now all start questioning when we hit Sonic in the game, will coins pop out of him (they better).

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