Rock Band DLC Update: Week of 04-07-08
Another week, another round of Rock Band downloadable songs. This week’s selection (for XBox 360 owners, PS3 owners will have to wait a bit) are all master recordings and are available for 80 ms points (or $.99 real people money) or as the HMX package together for 240 ms points ($2.99). The songs are:
* “Rock Rebellion” by Bang Camaro
* “Shake” by Count Zero
* “Super Sprode” by Freezepop
I’m not really sure how I feel about this week’s Rock Band DLC. Okay, I know how I feel… disappointed. The three songs released were all part of an “exclusive” disc of Official Xbox Magazine. I ran out and got a copy when it was released because it was during the height of my Rock Band mania. So if you paid a fortune for the overpriced issue of OXM, this week’s release is rather lame. If you haven’t had the opportunity to get these songs yet, here’s your chance to snag at least one great song.
My thought’s on each song after the break.
“Rock Rebellion” by Bang Camaro
This is a must have if you like Bang Camaro and if you don’t like Bang Camero, I question your faith in Rock.
“Super Sprode” by Freezepop
This is a fun song, but it’s a little annoying the fifth or sixth time you play it. You can only go through the spelling of Sprode so many times before you want to just give up and move on to the next song.
“Shake” by Count Zero
Please take no offense anyone at Harmonix reading this, but “Shake” is a terrible song. Simply terrible. How many times can you annoyingly sing “shake” in this song? The rest of the song is okay, but by the time you get to “shhhaaaaakee” the twentieth time I want to shove screwdrivers in my ears.
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