Possible Rock Band 2 Box Art
After the success of Rock Band it was almost a matter of time before serious talk of Rock Band 2 emerged and it has! Through a couple of online surveys we’ve been getting some hints at the creation of the new game. The first survey asked participants about a possible price point. The second survey was a little more interesting as it asked participants which of two possible box art samples was more appealing. Here’s the first:
Here’s the second:
While I really like the first one because it is more of a carry over from the original box art, that’s it’s biggest problem. You don’t want to be too closely identified with the first game. The second images shows a bit more attitude. The question is it too much attitude for Rock Band? I mean there’s some hardcore songs and in Rock Band, but there’s more of a mass appeal aspect with a lot of the downloadable content (see Jimmy Buffet for example). Which one do you prefer?
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