Pokemon Diamond/Pearl Presales Half A Million

I feel like a jerk. In a previous post, I actually said “Who still plays that crap?” in reference to Pokemon, and today, Reuters gave me a HUGE wake-up call.
According to Reuters, Nintendo is expecting their upcoming Pokemon Diamond and Pearl games for the Nintendo DS to sell over 500,000 units, according to presale data. And Nintendo is also expecting this to be the best selling Pokemon game as well as the best selling Nintendo DS game this year.
So to all you Pokemon fans out there, I apologize and bow to you, oh masters of all that is Pokemons.
[Via Reuters]
April 22nd, 2007 at 7:34 am
[…] 500,000 pre-orders. Nintendo reported this past week that pre-order sales figures for Pokemon Diamond/Pearl reached 500,000. And today, April 22nd, is the day 500,000 pre-orders will be fulfilled. […]
April 26th, 2007 at 8:51 am
[…] Nintendo announced before Pokemon Diamond/Pearl were released, they sold over 500,000 pre-orders for the game. Today, Nintendo is happy to announce Pokemon Diamond and Pokemon Pearl sold over 1 million copies…. in 5 days! That’s a pretty amazing feat if you really think about it. They also go on to say that more than 155 million copies of Pokemon games have been sold to date. […]