New Releases: Week of March 23rd, 2008

Looking over this weeks releases, I noticed right away a few titles that need some love. Of course there is still some reoccurring franchises, such as Final Fantasy (PSP), Harvest Moon (DS), and even Ninja Gaiden (DS). Solid games in their own right, but they can wait, a new RPG is in town, Opoona (Wii), which has me curious as all hell how the game will play out with using only the nunchuck. Dark Sector is out on the big boy systems, having been announced way back in 2004, the game looks to bring some new elements to the third person action gunner genre, if anything, you can rest easy knowing they didn’t rush this title.
Onto the full list, as always, after the break:
Dark Sector
Viking: Battle for Asgard
Xbox 360
Dark Sector
Universe at War: Earth Assault
Viking: Battle for Asgard
Obscure: The Aftermath
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Warriors Orochi
Backyard Baseball ‘09
Harvest Moon DS Cute
Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword
Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3
Australian Zoo Quest
Command & Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath Expansion Pack
Command & Conquer 3 Limited Collection
Escape From Paradise City
Guild Wars Platinum Edition
Guild Wars Factions Platinum Edition
Naruto Ultimate Ninja 3, Dark Sector, Viking: Battle for Asgard, Universe at War: Earth Assault, Obscure: The Aftermath, Octomania, Opoona, Backyard Baseball ‘09, Harvest Moon DS Cute, Ninja Gaiden Dragon Sword, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII, Warriors Orochi
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