MGS4 Coming Out For Xbox 360…for real? [Update]

It seems this rumor does not want to die. In the latest EGM, it is rumored that Metal Gear Solid 4 will also be coming to Xbox 360. The reason behind this rumor is the fact that Konami is frightened that there aren’t enough PlayStation 3s out to make an acceptable profit. By bringing the game to Xbox 360, more people will be able to get their hands on the game which will in turn help Konami turn a profit.
There is another piece of the puzzle that has been released. There is a supposed release date for Metal Gear Solid 4. It hasn’t been pinpointed to an exact date, but Noooz is stating that it will come out a couple of months after the release of the PS3 version. If you question the accuracy of Noooz, they also released the information in the past concerning Assassin’s Creed not being a PS3 exclusive.
This would be a huge huge huge strike against Sony, so what do you guys think? How is Sony going to get back up after this monstrous blow?
Source: PS3Only
[Update: It seems that the boys over at CVG contacted Konami and were given this statement:
“Konami has no plans to bring Metal Gear Solid 4 to the Xbox 360 at this time,” a Konami representative told CVG, reiterating that the Hideo Kojima stealth-em-up was still “exclusive to PlayStation 3.”
So it seems this rumor has died…again. But who knows how long until the next rumor of MGS4 coming to Xbox 360 will be.]
Xbox 360, Sony Playstation 3, PS3, Metal Gear Solid 4
December 17th, 2006 at 10:03 am
[…] The never ending rumor-mill has been spun once again by the January issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly. Many sites like Noooz, 1pstart, and TeamXbox have run with the rumor just a wee bit more. Apparently Konami isn’t certain that there will be enough units of the PlayStation 3 out there for them to make a significant enough profit off of there investment into the development of MGS 4. Many a Xbox 360 owner would love this game to come to the 360 as well. Here’s to the end of this rumor for good, at least until Konami announces it themselve’s. They don’t want to disappoint all of us 360 owner’s do they? […]
December 17th, 2006 at 10:06 am
[…] The never ending rumor-mill has been spun once again by the January issue of Electronic Gaming Monthly. Many sites like Noooz, 1pstart, and TeamXbox have run with the rumor just a wee bit more. Apparently Konami isn’t certain that there will be enough units of the PlayStation 3 out there for them to make a significant enough profit off of there investment into the development of MGS 4. Many a Xbox 360 owner would love this game to come to the 360 as well. Here’s to the end of this rumor for good, at least until Konami announces it themselve’s. They don’t want to disappoint all of us 360 owner’s do they? […]
December 30th, 2006 at 12:12 pm
What if MGS4 comes to the 360?So what.Does that mean the death of the ps3?No.What if Halo 3 and Gears went to the ps3?Does that mean the death of the 360?No.If Gears was on the ps3 as well,would it take anything away from me enjoying it on my 360?No.People think consoles need exclusives as being the reason to buy a certain console.I don’t agree with that.A lot of people(so called experts) seems to agree the 360 and ps3 each have certain advantages.If EVERY SINGLE game was on both the 360 and ps3 there would still be reasons to choose a console.From the screenshots I’ve seen of games on both consoles it looks to me like the ps3 pictures are more crisp and photo-realistic but the 360 appears to have more color and depth.It’s just my opinion,I’m not saying I’m right.If someone wants color and depth and wants good online play then they would choose the 360.If someone wanted photo realism and didn’t care about online and wanted HDMI,or blu ray or some other ps3 advantage,they would choose the ps3.Seems to me that every game being on both consoles would be good for everyone.If a game is exclusive to only the 360 or ps3,the developers are praying it does well in sales.If the game is on both consoles the developers have a much better chance of not losing money because they have a bigger audience.I would think exclusive games must be scary to game developers because your taking a bigger risk.That wouldn’t be appealing to young people getting into the game developing business.If Gears of War was on both consoles,the developers would make more money.If they make more money it means they could put more money and time into the next Gears and make it better than it would have been on one console.If all games could be on both consoles and everyone was happy with the outcome how could that not be a good thing?Why are people so possessive about “their” game,it’s not.I have a 360,I own Gears but I’m not obsessively possessive about it.I don’t think of it as being “MINE”.By the way,I think the 360 AND ps3 are both very good and both have a lot of good things to offer.I don’t care IF the ps3 is better,I’m content and happy with the 360.I hope all you ps3 owners are happy with your choice as well.My opinions are strickly as a layman.I’m just a fan of video games.I don’t think I’m right about this topic,I’m just not smart enough to know if I’m wrong.
January 1st, 2007 at 12:48 pm
Just one more thing.Some people complain that there’s not enough innovative,new or different games out there.People feel like the developers or companies are playing it too safe doing sequels and not enough original games like Assassin’s Creed.Unfortunately companies feel threatened by taking a risk because it’s all about producing a hit game.They know Gears of War 2,Halo 3,MGS4 etc… will be a hit.If a new kind of game was developed for both consoles the company making the game wouldn’t feel so much pressure because the sales could only be greater on both consoles.Even on a hit game like MGS4 the developers are wrestling with that now which is why there’s talk that they might be considering to put the game out on the 360 as well.A game on both consoles means less risk.Less risk means better chance of success.More success means everyone wins.The developers would win because they could do what they do best which is letting their creativity and imagination run wild for new and different games.You and I,the buyers,would win because the interesting game selection would be much better.The game industry would win because it would at least have the potential to interest non gamers to join the party with a more diverse and interesting selection.Some non gamers have no interest because the games are to much of the same thing.New games made by non threatend developers would maybe bring some of those non interested into gaming.Even if a game wasn’t a hit,the company would be less likely to lose money because the game would be exposed to a much greater number of buyers and more copies of the game would sell.Sorry for rambling on but I’m bored and have time to kill.
January 11th, 2007 at 9:07 pm
well said bullet!
March 11th, 2007 at 3:24 pm
i want this agem on xbox 360 i dont really paly alot of games so far but i love the mgs games and if u dont ill cry lol bye
March 11th, 2007 at 7:42 pm
Did I write all that longwinded garbage? My apologies to everyone. Even I was bored reading through that again.
September 24th, 2007 at 5:53 pm
I honestly believe that MGS4 should
come out for 360, and the reason I think this is because of the fact that other Metal Gear Solids came out for systems,such as Metal Gear Solid Substance, and Twin SNakes (if you want to consider it another game then fine) but anywayz, when you think about it, many people don’t own a PS3 (like me).and I like Microsofts idea of putting the game on 360 for the fact that there isn’t enough PS3s out to make this game “exclusive”
October 8th, 2007 at 4:54 pm
well, i dont have a 360 or a ps3, but i’d love to see the game come out on the 360 for people who do have one, i’m a huge metal gear solid fan, and i have played and completed 1, 2, 3 and the twin snakes, i would love to be able to play 4 for the storyline alone, and the gameplay looks amazing too, i am dissapointed in that people are so ignorent the only want it on the ps3 just because thats what they payed for and they feel great becaause they have one and its expencive. people should not be so selfish and just let things happen the way microsoft, sony and konami plan them to happen,