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GDC ‘07: Zelda Phantom Hourglass Multiplayer Demonstration [Update]

by Kezins

This isn’t the greatest video, but it’s one of the best I came across for the Phantom Hourglass demo at GDC.

They are comparing this game to The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Walker as far as game play and design. This should definitely be an interesting multiplayer game for the DS.

[Update: Found a better video that explains the multiplayer of Phantom Hourglass a little better. Enjoy!]

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[Via You Tube]

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One Response to “GDC ‘07: Zelda Phantom Hourglass Multiplayer Demonstration [Update]”

  1. Mazz Says:

    Looks exciting. Four swords was a blast as well. I hope they look into more multiplayer Link games.

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