G4’s exclusive first look at PvND’s Ninja Team
If you haven’t heard, Ninjas and Pirates don’t much care for each other. This bitter blood fued has been raging since the beginning of recorded man. No one is sure as to why these two honor-bound social sects fight, but we do know where their next great battle will take place: On the fields of dodgeball. As part of Ninjafest over on G4 (a network that started as cool, declined to utter poo, and is rebuilding back up to cool once more), G4’s The Feed has an exclusive first look at some of the soon-to-be-familiar faces in the upcoming Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball.
My personal favorite is Hideki Miyamoto. An 80-year-old cyberninja with invisibility and a lightsaber? It’s like someone cross-bred Obi-Wan Kenobi (Alec Guinness, not McGregor), Predator and the Ocripus guy from Ninja Warrior. That’s epic on so many levels.
Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball is being developed by the ultra cool cats at Blazing Lizard (will pharaoh cats be a team?), and will be available for download on Xbox LIVE Arcade in early 2008.
…but again, where are the lumberjacks?
G4, Blazing Lizard, Pirates vs. Ninjas Dodgeball
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