How Much Do You Want Grand Theft Auto 4? | Swedish Gamers Camp Outside Store For GTA IV
Sunday, April 13th, 2008

I’ve heard some daft camping out stories in the past but this one really does take the proverbial biscuit.
A group of hardcore gamers are camping outside a games retailer in Sweden for a month just to be the first in line for a copy of Grand Theft Auto 4 when it’s released on 29th April.
Okay, so they won’t just be getting a copy of the game, but also a whole load of GTA IV prizes and stuff to go with it, after the store ingeniously promised the first ten through the door on that day a bumper selection of freebies for their efforts, but still!
Hardware I can sort of see the point. Who wouldn’t want to be first to proclaim that they have played on the latest Nintendo, Microsoft or Sony console? It’s something you can brag about for years to come, at least until the next generation of machines comes along and someone else beats you to it.