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A Few Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 Details

by Paul

If you’ve been dying to put on your Spider-Man pajamas again and spend hours playing your Marvel superheroes Ultimate Alliance style, then you might be pleased to learn some details about Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2. The biggest detail so far is that the story is supposed to take place during Marvel’s Civil War. For you non-comic book geeks, that’s when all the Marvel superdudes decided that it was a good idea to beat the crap out of each other for awhile and give the baddies some time to rest up for their next round of beatings.

The other detail out right now is that you’ll have the ability the fuse together the powers of two different superheroes, so if you have a hard time picking one hero to use (like I do) then you can have a hybrid if you wished.

There’s no word yet if Marvel Ultimate Alliance 2 will have any improvements in the graphics department, but hopefully it will. I mean come on, they weren’t that much better than those found on X-Men Legends 2. I’d also like to put in an order for a closer camera option if possible and more bug testing to be done, thanks.

Thanks to: Kotaku

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