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1PStart Obituaries: GameCube 2001-2007

by BB

As of this writing, it’s really dark out and it’s raining where I live. This weather is suitable for the news I’m about to write. It seems that Perrin Kaplan, Vice-President of Nintendo America, has stated that GameCube production will be stopped and first party support for the system will stop as well in a recent interview with GameDaily.

I personally can recall the moment GameCube came out. I went to a local video game retail store with a good friend of mine, and I remember being able to only get a purple GameCube console, but of course, I wanted the really cool black one. My friend had picked two consoles up earlier at Toys ‘R’ Us (one for him, one for his girl) and they were both black. My friend, knowing how much I really wanted the black one, let me have his girl’s black console and decided to give her a purple one since she probably wouldn’t care much about the color.

Even though the GameCube is nothing more than a memory in all of it’s adopters minds, all of the memories that we had with the GameCube were great ones. Luigi’s Mansion. Wind Waker. Metroid Prime. Super Smash Brothers Melee. We had some good times GameCube. Even though the Wii will continue GameCube’s legacy by supporting all of it’s games, I still feel saddened today by this news.

Nintendo GameCube: Nov. 18, 2001 - Feb. 21, 2007

[Via EuroGamer]

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2 Responses to “1PStart Obituaries: GameCube 2001-2007”

  1. Adios! GameCube at Proyecto vg Says:

    […] Gracias a […]

  2. 1P Start » Blog Archive » Wii Surpasses GameCube in Japan Says:

    […] know, not too many people liked the Nintendo GameCube. I’m not entirely sure why. I loved the GameCube. I will admit freely that I liked Super […]

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