Halo 3 Downloadable Content “inevitable”

In an interview with Next-Gen, Jonty Barnes and Jay Weinland of Bungie hinted at the possibility of downloadable content for Halo 3.
JW: Although we haven’t announced details, we have talked about downloadable content at some point.
JB: Yeah, I think that’s inevitable. We have released DLC in spring this year for Halo 2, a game that is two-and-a-half years old. We’ve still got 300,000 players of Halo 2 still playing the game. The last DLC was purely to support the call-outs from the community. I imagine seeing more of that in DLC for Halo 3.
I’m really excited by the Forge [Halo 3’s map editing feature], and we don’t really think we understand what the people are going to create.
I think we all knew we’d get some kind of DLC with Halo 3 eventually, although no one really brought it up in conversation because we’re too hyped about the actual release.
Microsoft, Xbox 360, Bungie, Halo 3, Xbox LIVE, Xbox LIVE Marketplace
September 22nd, 2007 at 9:18 am
[…] 1Pstart.com | Header image stolen from JW because it was too damn funny I had to steal it] — digg_url […]
November 19th, 2007 at 5:04 pm
[…] Halo 3 Map Pack for 800 MS Points by JW Following up on a guarantee made a couple of months ago, Bungie has announced today that three new maps will be made available for Halo 3 via the […]